Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Dental Whitening Que Me Has Worked

Fortunately today there are many effective and economical options to whiten teeth.
In the past, if you wanted to get perfectly white teeth, the only option was to make the whitening in the dental office.

Today, there are a number of products to perform teeth whitening at home, this method being one of the safest most efficient options used, and to achieve a whiter smile without impacting both the pocket.

To be sure that the teeth whitening system is chosen to be effective must be a focus on the following:

If the concentration of peroxide in the formula is medium to high, the effect of whitening be quick, so it will require not keep bleaching agents on teeth for long.

If the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is small, it is required to keep the product on the teeth for prolonged time to achieve the desired effects.

Usually a gel formulation, bands or down to about 10 to 16% hydrogen peroxide was used during the day and remain on the teeth for a short time.

A peroxide formulation low percentage of 3-6% will require to apply at night and remove in the morning. This order of the bleaching agents having the same effect that high peroxide formulations.

It is clear that the solutions used by dentists have high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, about 30-35%, so to be high in this solution your application requires medical supervision so its sale is exclusively for dentists.

If you want to achieve the best results with these products, tooth whitening should be performed after receiving a deep dental cleaning that are removed plaque, tartar and accumulated dirt.

It is recommended that before home teeth whitening brush, rinse and floss. This in order that the teeth are perfectly clean and that the product can perform to their full potential.

It is recommended that during the first two hours after applying the bleaching agent not ingest food and beverages, especially those of high-dyes.

Teeth whitening is not recommended if you have problems with caries.

It is normal to have tooth sensitivity during treatment teeth whitening gel?

dentistaSi, it is perfectly normal for any teeth whitening systems, not just the gel, causes some degree of tooth sensitivity, especially to hot or cold liquids.

Within the first 48 hours after having carried out the tooth whitening can experience much tooth sensitivity. Even the air passing between the teeth when speaking can cause much discomfort.

Some dentists provide patient toothpaste for sensitive teeth in order to help reduce tooth sensitivity after treatment.

On the other hand, most professional teeth whitening kits at home in their formulas contain desensitizing agents that help reduce tooth sensitivity during treatment.

In case of not having any palliative agent for tooth sensitivity can be purchased at the pharmacy any toothpaste containing potassium nitrate, which is highly effective in relieving sensitive teeth.

If you experience extreme tooth sensitivity, treatment should be suspended for a few days. The discomfort should disappear within 24-48 hours of stopping treatment.

You should not worry discontinuation of treatment in terms of results as tooth whitening need not be consecutive. The teeth continue to decline in tone in the moment when treatment is resumed.

The laser teeth whitening, teeth Does it harm?

dental laserUna of the biggest concerns for patients interested in performing the Zoom laser teeth whitening is damage or erosion in tooth enamel. Proven studies show that the Zoom teeth whitening laser tooth-friendly, not eroded, nor transpires.

The laser teeth whitening is one of the more research systems globally generated and where more has been invested to ensure the health of the patient's teeth after the procedure.

The results of the studies have shown that laser bleaching produces progressive damage to the enamel of the teeth. As noted any changes or transparency in the enamel of the teeth is due to resort to the dentist as soon as this is not normal.

The laser teeth whitening is one of the systems to lighten the tone of the safest teeth exist, because all bleaching agents used in the process are formulated to ensure healthy teeth and gums. Besides the gel is provided to the patient after bleaching and help rebuild remineralize enamel after treatment if necessary.

One of the things that can be experienced with laser teeth whitening and most teeth whitening systems is tooth sensitivity, especially when taking hot and cold foods. This effect usually disappears within the first 48 hours of treatment carried out.

How much more or less?


The cost varies depending on the method to follow. If bleaching is performed with the dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry should expect to pay between $ 500 to $ 700 for the entire treatment. Teeth whitening systems used in practice are many, among the most popular are:

BriteSmile system, using a gel concentration of hydrogen peroxide 15% and 25%, pH balanced to maximize the efficiency of bleaching and glycerin-water to minimize dehydration of the teeth. The cost of this system is around $ 400 to $ 600 usd. And it lasts about an hour.

Opalescence Boost system consists of a viscous gel having a concentration of 38% hydrogen peroxide. Its advantage is that it contains potassium nitrate which significantly reduces the risk of tooth sensitivity after treatment and fluoride reduces the risk of caries. This treatment costs $ 500 and lasts one to two hours around $.

Bleaching system Chairside Den-Mat Sapphire, consists of a 25% solution of hydrogen peroxide and an enhancer gel desensitizing solution. This system is ideal for sensitive gums and teeth. It costs about $ 500 usd and is done in an hour.

Zoom system uses a gel with a concentration of hydrogen peroxide 25% and a Zoom advanced power lamp accelerates the bleaching process. Zoom system accompanied a maintenance kit home is provided. The procedure takes about an hour and costs between $ 500 and $ 700 with kit to take home included.

dental farmaciaSi resort to a professional teeth whitening kit for use at home cost varies depending on the product used and its concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Good peroxide concentration for this type of whitening is around 10 to 16%. There are professional kits from $ 200 to $ 400.

If you opt for whitening systems available in supermarkets and pharmacies, the amount of hydrogen peroxide is minimal, about 3 to 6% and the cost varies from $ 20 to $ 100 dollars.

What is the method of tooth whitening SAFER and effective?

According to their way of application, teeth whitening methods can be divided into three, these methods vary in the concentrations of peroxide used and the number of applications.

In Office Whitening

The biggest advantage of performing tooth whitening in the dentist or dental whitening is that you can achieve amazing results in one or two sessions. The usual procedure is to first protect the gums with a rubber barrier that prevents bleaching agents damage the soft gum tissue on contact with her.

Then proceeds to carefully apply a high concentration of peroxide in the gel, which usually remains on the teeth intervals of 15 to 20 minutes (there is left more than one hour) depending on the degree of bleaching desired.

If you have deep stains that do not come with the first session of bleaching, the dentist is likely to schedule another meeting in office or provide a professional whitening kit to use at home.

Kit Professional Whitening At Home

peroxide-de-carbamidaMuchos dentists agree that the safest and most effective teeth whitening results are achieved with professional kits for use at home with peroxide concentrations ranging from 10 to 16%.

Most of these kits include an easy to use with little gel concentration peroxide gel that is left on the teeth for at least an hour or more (sometimes left overnight).

The lower concentration of peroxide in the gel will be safer to remain on the teeth for several hours. If the kit is provided by the dentist, this will manufacture the guard that will host the gel by reference to the shape of your teeth. If you purchase the kit by other means, it should come with the guard included.

Bleaching products available in pharmacies and supermarkets
They are the cheapest and easiest option to purchase. This type of kit usually comes with a whitening gel with a lower concentration of peroxide (from 3 to 6%) that comes in kits that are acquired with the dentist or dental cosmetologist. The gel is applied to the teeth by a guard of generic size that comes with the kit. The bleaching agent can also come in the form of bands or markers. The result is one or two shades lighter than your current tone, in most cases this type of tooth whiteners are only effective in the front teeth.

What is the most recommended for teeth health system?

paste blanqueadoraSi talk about what is the best teeth whitening procedure for healthy teeth, regardless of how much lasting effect, we mean that the tooth whitening done at the dentist's office is the best, because the application of bleaching agent is controlled and supervised by a professional in the field of cosmetic dentistry. So the risk of damaging your gums or damage the natural enamel of your teeth are smaller.

Also this procedure is yielding results in the shortest time as a one-hour session you can see a significant decrease in the tones of the denture. In most cases a single session in the office astonishing results.

However the office procedure has its disadvantages, among which the high cost of the procedure ranges from $ 500 to $ 700 compared with professional whitening kits at home provided by dentists which costs about $ 200 to $ 400 and kits obtained in supermarkets and pharmacies that cost less than $ 50.

The type of spots that are usually removed in clinics are dark teeth with yellow spots, brown, green or gray. Being those of the easiest to remove yellow color and of the extremely difficult gray disappear. The procedure in practice and professional kit for use at home also remove stains created by high consumption of snuff, coffee, red wine, soft drinks and foods high in dye.

Teeth whitening with laser, Can do to minors?

bicarbonatoEs increasing the number of teenagers seeking, whether in the supermarket or professionally, performing the whitening of your teeth, especially after wearing braces for a while.

Notwithstanding the obvious question for parents is whether tooth whitening, especially made with laser, is safe for teenagers or what age can be performed.

According to experts whitening treatments most recommended and most harmless for teens teeth are those obtained at supermarkets or pharmacies. This due to its low peroxide in case of improper or excessive use would not cause irreparable damage both gums and tooth enamel.

Teeth whitening is not recommended for children under 11 or 12 years because at this age do not have most of the permanent teeth, still has the so-called "baby teeth". The main reason is rather due to aesthetic issues, because if practiced whitening to a combination of permanent teeth and milk, the result after the permanent teeth remplacen to be a multicolored milk teeth.

Another reason why teens should wait to be older for a professional teeth whitening is that in this period of their lives the actual length of the teeth has not manifested completely, so that years later carried out the teeth whitening can have a long "half white and half less white".

What is the maintenance after?

blanquearSi and you've done tooth whitening is recommended to have the utmost care so that the effect of white teeth last as long as you can.

Do not eat foods high in dyes.

During the first forty-eight hours after the procedure done, the teeth will be very sensitive to temperature especially to hot and cold drinks so it should be avoided to the maximum consumption of the same. It is likely that the specialist recommends using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth because even the process of brushing with regular toothpaste usually causes some pain.

Also, the teeth tend to stain easily during this period so you will be asked to NOT TAKE due to high color as coffee, red wine, cola, like black or white, red grapes, asparagus, beets, any food or drink high artificial or natural coloring.

Some dentists recommend liquid diet for the next two days made bleaching and allowed liquids are milk, yogurt, water and juices low dye.

It is even recommended after 48 hours of whitening, avoid eating food daily and drinks high in dyes. If this is not possible, try not to keep them in your mouth and brushing long as possible.

Use bleach paste and mouthwash

Another advice par excellence to make the teeth remain white as long as possible is used daily paste and mouthwash with whitening agents. We recommend using mouthwash after eating and brushing as soon as possible if you had coffee or red wine.

If you can not brush or rinse after eating, chewing gum bleaching agents are a good option to help remove some food dyes, despite the recommendation par excellence is brushing and mouthwash after bleaching agents having eaten.

Use Straws (Pajilla)

If you are unable to stop drinking soda or coffee every day, it is recommended to do it with a straw, as this will prevent the teeth from flooding the liquid dye and affect the color of your teeth.

  How I can make a home tooth whitening?

If you do already given the task of finding ways to whiten your teeth in the web, you probably noticed that there are many methods at home to do so, however we must clarify that these methods work to some degree, ie, they can make the record the color of your teeth clarify two to three shades, No More!

If you want lasting results it is recommended that you go to a specialist in cosmetic dentistry or acquire a professional teeth whitening kit at home.

Here are the recipes of the most effective methods to whiten teeth at home:

HOME WHITENING 1: At night before bed soak the brush well with water to put the toothpaste on it and sprinkle baking soda. Brush in a circular motion around the teeth. Make this a week and rest another. Do not abuse the use of bicarbonate as excess line and damage the enamel of the teeth.

HOME WHITENING 2: Make an omelet toast or an orange until they are about to coal. Grind the charred in a mortar until a fine powder ash type. Brushing first toothpaste mixing with ash and then repeat brushing with pure pulp to remove any residue.

HOME WHITENING 3: Mix in a container other than metal, thin and lemon into a paste that is left on the brush salt. Brush this mixture with no more than three times a week, as I used too much damage the enamel of the teeth and gums burning.

How long does the effect last?

As expected the effect does not last forever Teeth Whitening, less if constantly consumed foods and beverages high in dyes, foods whose natural composition stain teeth, or smoking has ingested. These foods can cause white teeth color disappears in just a month after the whitening process has been performed.

If care is taken to avoid (as far as possible) foods that stain teeth can take up to two years or more to need a touch up. In some cases, teeth become a stain to the extent that is necessary to repeat the full treatment.

The duration of effect on teeth whiteness will vary from person to person depending on the health of the teeth, the nature of the original stain, whitening system used and in some cases even the type of food consumed in the diet .

Usually tooth whitening treatments performed by a qualified dentist last from five to seven years, however keep in mind that these procedures are usually the most expensive.

In some cases when the tooth staining is due to serious and permanent illness, or you have the habit of smoking, you will need to repeat the whole process of bleaching every year.

A tip for teeth whitening lasts as long as possible, is to use toothpaste and mouthwash with whitening agents.

How often is advisable to get teeth whitening?

Depends on the procedure you are following to whiten. If you resort to a professional dentist the effects last at least one year, depending on the quality of the products that the dentist used, the health of your teeth and care you give them after bleaching.

If you use a procedure done at home provided by a dental professional cosmetology effects usually last for four to six months. In some cases you only need a touch up.

If you resort failing to products to whiten teeth at home, obtained at supermarkets, its effects last for one to two months.

All specialists in cosmetic dentistry dentists recommend having the teeth whitening at home than four times a year. Most teeth whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide that helps remove stains from teeth and makes them whiter.

However if these products are used regularly, much as once a month or every two months, bleaching agents also will remove the enamel of the teeth making them so thin you can see through them. The gums can also be damaged by excessive use of tooth whiteners.

Are there risks or not after tooth whitening?

As with any treatment there are some risks that must be considered before making tooth whitening. The two most common side effects after the procedure are temporary increase in tooth sensitivity, especially to hot and cold foods, and the presence of mild to moderate irritation in the soft tissues of the mouth, especially in the gums.

The sensitivity of the teeth usually occurs during the first few days after bleaching been made. The gum irritation usually because during the procedure may have inadvertently placed some of the bleaching agents in or near the gums. Both effects disappear third or fourth day after finishing the dental treatment.

The tooth sensitivity can be reduced by following some of these tips:

Use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth that contains potassium nitrate, as it will help to calm the nerve endings of the teeth.

Ask the dentist or pharmacist for a high intake of fluorine that helps remineralize teeth. We recommend applying fluoride with plate whitening four minutes before and after the whitening process.

Use the plate whitening for less time, for example two 30-minute sessions instead of two 60-minute sessions.

Stop the whitening process for two or three days to allow the teeth fit to the process.

If none of these measures work or sensitivity does not disappear within a few days after finishing with whitening, you should consult your dentist as soon as possible.

What toothpastes are effective for teeth whitening?

Toothpaste to whiten teeth can do slightly whiter by removing surface stains such as those caused by coffee, wine or smoking teeth. Toothpastes with whitening agents can not change the natural color of teeth or penetrate deep stains, for it most of the time a tooth whitening procedure performed by a specialist in cosmetic dentistry is required.

A good whitening toothpaste should contain abrasives to polish the dientesdelicada and gently, and should also contain chemicals such as sodium tripolyphosphate or other help to dissolve stains effectively.

If these pastes are used at least twice a day you can see results from the second to the fourth week of continuous use. Whitening toothpastes latest generation also contain a chemical called blue covarine that produces an optical effect that makes your teeth look less yellow, giving the impression that occurred immediately whitening teeth.

Unlike other whitening products that impair the natural tooth enamel causing it to degrade much, to the point that the teeth are transparent, whitening toothpastes are relatively safe to use on a daily basis.

The recommendation is to look for a whitening toothpaste that is approved for some dental association recognized internationally preferred since these products are tested to ensure satisfaction and safety of the wearer.

Am I can make a teeth whitening having cavities?

Most specialize in cosmetic dentistry dentists recommend not perform teeth whitening without having addressed the problem of cavities or any other problems you have on your teeth.

The treat cavities is paramount, regardless of whether or not a cosmetic procedure performed. Cavities are tooth decay created by the stored acid due to poor dental hygiene. Cavities usually do not cause pain until they penetrate into the tooth, these destroy the root of the piece and cause the loss of the tooth.

Bleaching is not done without having healed caries because it is quite likely that the bleaching solution to penetrate into the cavity due to decay and cause extreme sensitivity, sometimes painfully.

However if your problem caries is in the front teeth and not very serious, it is quite likely that the physician perform first and carefully bleaching. This in order that the resin used to repair cavities is the same shade of your teeth "bleached".

If decay is significant and is located in the front teeth the dentist will repair putting a provisional resin, then make teeth whitening and finally remove the temporary filling to place a resin that can be best resembles the color of your new color teeth.

After the cure of dental caries shall carry out a thorough dental cleaning in order to remove all stains, plaque and tartar accumulated on your teeth so that the bleaching agent to penetrate your teeth perfectly and optimal results .

If you plan to get a dental whitening your account, we recommend that cures any dental problems, especially caries, and you placing an thorough cleaning before proceeding with this cosmetic treatment.

When do teeth whitening is not recommended?

Teeth whitening is not recommended in the following cases:

Pregnant or breastfeeding because there are no proven that validate the side effects of this procedure on the mother and baby trials.

Suffer from sensitive teeth or allergy peroxide. If you're sensitive teeth and gums or suffer from receding gums, you should consult your dentist before any teeth whitening. Likewise allergic, especially peroxide, people should consult ingredients whitening product before performing this procedure.

Having enamel shabby suffer from gum disease, cavities and exposed roots. If you suffer from any of these conditions is not recommended for any reason whiten teeth without having solved the problem because of continuing treatment you may experience extreme sensitivity accompanied by severe pain. In the case of gum disease or exposed roots bleaching agents can aggravate the problem.

If you have crowns, fillings, implants or other dental restorative teeth whitening is not recommended, as these materials are not bleached with bleaching agents for natural tooth enamel. This results in that the bleaching is carried out will result in different shades teeth, which is not necessarily aesthetic.

If you have teeth in gray or purplish whitening is not recommended because the teeth with this coloration, caused in most cases by ingestion of tetracycline (antibiotic), do not respond well to whitening. In this case it is best to use crowns or dental plates that resemble the color of other teeth.

The laser teeth whitening teeth Does it harm?

One of the great attractions of laser teeth whitening is that you can see the results almost instantly, in a single session of about an hour, you can see your teeth 5-10 shades lighter.

Teeth whitening with laser does not damage the teeth, however should take special care to corroborate that the person doing this procedure has all the credentials and experience to perform this procedure, since otherwise the procedure can be extremely painful and could damage the gums in the process.

To ensure that the laser whitening procedure proves more beneficial than what we suggest asking the specialist:

If you apply gingival barrier to your gums during the procedure, as this will prevent bleaching agents make contact with your gums.

Require having the greatest care that none of the bleaching agents make contact with any other part of your mouth, teeth only. Otherwise you end up with white markings on the gums and sometimes also on the lips.

The whitening gel is a rather coarse texture that does not leak so it should be applied to each tooth with great care and patience. If this agent contacts the burn your gums which is very painful, so warn the dentist must have knowledge of the procedure and you know that if your gums are burned, is your sole responsibility and must make it up. This warning will make you be more careful with the whole procedure.

Your dentist should not mix more than 16% hydrogen peroxide or 36% carbamide peroxide as much pain and could experience a negative reaction after bleaching.

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