Friday, November 14, 2014

Best Teeth Whitening at Home Remedies

Best Teeth Whitening at Home Remedies, Best Teeth Whitening at Home Remedies, Best Teeth Whitening at Home Remedies
Everyone wants pearly white set of teeth. However, maintenance of sparkling white teeth is an uphill task because there are several materials that lead to tooth discoloration. The most common behind the teeth discoloration and stains reasons are food compounds, acidic drinks and snuff. And this is precisely the reason why knowing about the methods of teeth whitening at home is so important. The cost of teeth whitening dentist in the camera can actually burn a whole in your pocket. There are quite a few teeth whitening procedures and home remedies you need to be well aware. Want to know what resources are? I just read along.

  • One of the best methods of teeth whitening at home involves using salt and lemon juice. If your teeth have become yellow then make a paste of lemon juice and salt. Apply the paste on the yellowish tint of the teeth. This will eliminate dull color of your teeth quite effectively.

  • A very effective teeth whitening procedure is applying house hydrogen peroxide. Is the most popular and common lightening agent commercially available. You can use hydrogen peroxide by mixing it with baking soda, baking powder and lemon juice. Different recipes using different amounts of hydrogen peroxide.

  • Remember lemon juice itself is not a great ingredient to whiten teeth at home. This is because the lemon juice is acidic and can weaken the teeth. Surprisingly, although strawberries fall into the same category as are natural bleaches. You can just rub on you teeth and apply it as a paste. However, be sure to use it sparingly.

  • A wonderful home teeth whitening recipe includes white vinegar and apple cider. It is very effective in removing stains from teeth. However, vinegar has a bitter taste. You can also use wood ash as it is a natural bleaching agent. However, their use in large quantities can wear down the enamel.

  • You can use baking soda to whiten teeth at home. Apply baking soda on teeth 5 minutes before brushing your teeth with normal toothpaste in the morning. This is a very effective home remedy and give positive results in a few weeks.

  • You can use aluminum foil, baking soda and toothpaste together to make a home tooth whitening recipe. In the foil you will need to spread a paste of baking soda and regular toothpaste. That cover the teeth with foil for about an hour. Then brush your teeth. Do this twice a week.

  • Gargling can be used as an extremely effective teeth whitening teeth Procedure- home gargle with half teaspoon of rock salt and a cup of water. Do this before the end of the day, every day. This will not only get rid of stains on the teeth, it will also save you from dental problems.

  • A mixture of orange peel and bay leaves powder is a great recipe to whiten teeth at home. It is an exceptional whitening and remove all stains from teeth.
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